Ya’ll remember LiveJournal? Reading your friend’s latest Backstreet Boys fanfic, penning your own angsty rant after an agonizing few minutes of this sound?
Wait, wait, no—how many of you recall scrolling on Tumblr, getting inspired to watch some random film thanks to an iconic photo spread, or delving down some rabbit hole inspired by one legendary, punctuation-less post?
My hope with Jasper is to capture that spirit of discovery. That whimsy.
I’ve been searching far and wide for an internet home for shenanigans like this. Away from the politics of social shares, and “claps”. Void of the clever trap that is dismal news updates surrounded by unassuming, and often hilarious tweets and TikToks.
I even gave Facebook a try. Watched my life flash before my eyes in Facebook memories. Fight or flight kicked in, and I chose freedom.
It’s the digital hellscape of the web. Anyway, now I’m here.
I think what I’ve been looking for is a space that doesn’t require anything from my readers, or myself, beyond curiosity
That is the real magic of the internet, to me. So, I offer you this newsletter.
I’ll be sending one email, every other week. And there will always be a little surprise within. Beyond that, you can expect at least one of these elements inside:
An essay about cultural issues. Actually, the first thing I ever shared here was an essay about the queerness of change (featuring quotes from Octavia Butler!).
A creative work (like a poem (or two), or short story).
Book things (round-ups, reviews, etc). I’m trying to read more, and maybe you are, too. Hopefully, the books I mention are ones you want, or have read—or you’re welcome to recommend one in the comments!
I’ll probably read it and report back in the newsletter what I thought. This is an exchange, friends.An installment of my YRU Funny interview series (just like this interview with Sheria Mattis on Medium).
A quick check-in. Some weeks I’ll simply offer a bit of playful nonsense, and/or a couple updates. Hell, it might even be educational!
Beyond this list, you may bask in the element of surprise.
Speaking of surprises, scroll down for this week’s…

i am not done yet
as possible as yeast
as imminent as bread
a collection of safe habits
a collection of cares
less certain than i seem
more certain than i was
a changed changer
i continue to continue
what i have been
most of my lives is
where i’m going
Lucille Clifton was an iconic, Pulitzer Prize-winning Black American poet from Buffalo, New York. My close friend introduced me to her work not too long ago, and I’ve been amazed ever since. Definitely expect more on her in this newsletter…
That’s it! Thanks for reading.
Oh, also! I highly encourage your comments. If we’re bringing back Live Journal energy, we’ve gotta bring back the dialogue. I will respond, and if you make a suggestion (or pose a collab!) I’ll absolutely consider ways to include it in future Jasper posts.
Thank you,
Much love <3
Jasper “Jaz” Joyner